Lake Nakuru Day Tour

Lake Nakuru Day Tour

Lake Nakuru Day Trip

Lake Nakuru day tour, Pickup from your Nairobi Hotel or Airport in the first part of the day at 06:30am and withdraw for Lake Nakuru public park through, The Great African Rift Valley, showing up for game review drives until noon at lake Nakuru stop.

Lake Nakuru National Park is located in the southwestern part of Kenya, northwest of Nairobi. The national park encompasses an area of 73 square miles (188 sq km). It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site celebrating the flamingos and abundant wildlife. Lake Nakuru is the foundation of the park serving as a wildlife haven.

Lake Nakuru has acquired its popularity as the home of the best bird exhibition on the planet, a horde of frequently in excess of 1,000,000 pink flamingos that rush to take care of at its shallow warm waters. The lake is named “pink” because of the presence of millions of Greater and Lesser flamingoes among the wild large felines. You additionally recognize the white and dark Rhino, the Cape Buffaloes, and the Rothschild Giraffe just as other more modest natural life like the Thompsons Gazelle.

Tours Made up of the lake itself and the rocky caves and bushy grassland that surrounds it, Lake Nakuru National Park especially draws visitors looking to see pink flamingos, as there may be as many as 2 million lesser and great flamingos seen around the edges of the lake at a given time.

The birds are drawn here by their favorite food, cyanophyta spirulina plantensis, and a type of blue – green algae that fills the lake. In addition to the flamingos, more than 400 different bird species have been spotted in the park, which is on a migration route for many European birds. This is one national park where you definitely want a bird-watchers’ guide in hand to identify all the feathered creatures and ensure the species you need for your life list are expected to be in residence when you visit.

The park is also home to many water-loving animals such as hippos and waterbucks, and among other mammals found in the park, visitors who get lucky will also be able to spot lions, leopards, giraffes, hyenas, buffalo, baboons, monkeys and gazelles.

In addition, once simply a bird sanctuary, the Lake Nakuru National Park has since become a national rhino sanctuary and is the best place in Kenya to see protected black and white rhinos.  Practical Info Lake Nakuru National Park is located about 100 miles (160 kilometers) from Nairobi and is connected to the city via the main A104 road. The most commonly used route into the park is by way of the main gate, which is about 2.5 miles (four kilometers)

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