Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing Adventures

Mountain climbing is an exhilarating sport that involves reaching high peaks through intense physical activity, including hiking, rock climbing, and navigating icy slopes. While risky, proper training and equipment can minimize dangers. Climbers test their skills, strength, and endurance while enjoying nature’s grandeur. 


Safety First

We understand the inherent risks involved in mountain climbing. That’s why safety is our top priority. Our experienced guides will ensure you have the proper training, equipment, and knowledge to navigate the mountains with confidence.

Essential Gear for Your Climb

While some climbing equipment overlaps with hiking and camping gear, mountaineering requires specialized tools for tackling challenging terrain. Our guides will advise you on the specific equipment needed for your chosen climb, which may include:

    • Durable Boots & Socks
    • Warm & Windproof Clothing
    • Navigation Tools (Compass & Map)
    • Backpack
    • Sun Protection (Sunglasses & Sunscreen)
    • Climbing Ropes (if applicable)
    • Ice Axe & Crampons (for climbs with snow and ice)
    • Tents, Provisions & Sleeping Bags (for multi-day expeditions)

Teamwork and good judgment are crucial to safely overcoming challenges like avalanches and rockfalls. The reward is the thrill of standing at the summit, with breathtaking views below.

Mountain Climbing Packages:

    1. Mount KenyaSirimon Naromoru Route (6 Days)
    2. Mount Kenya – Chogoria Route (6 Days)
    3. Mount Kilimanjaro – Machame Route (6 Days)
    4. Mount Kilimanjaro – Marangu Route (7 Days)
    5. Mount Kenya – Sirimon Chogoria Route (5 Days)
    6. Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking Lemosho Route (8 days)