7 Days Kenya Safari

7 days Kenya safari, camping safari our first stop will be Samburu National Reserve in Northern Kenya Samburu has a lasting water supply bringing about tremendous bird life, some of which are endemic to this space of Kenya. We at that point travel to the Great Rift Valley Lake of Nakuru, celebrated for its amazing birdlife and variety of wild creatures including highly contrasting rhinos.

From Nakuru we drive south ludicrous Escarpment to Kenya’s chief game hold, The Mara Game Reserve is one of the top Game Reserves in Africa and home to a plenitude of untamed life, particularly the Big Cats, On the off chance that we are fortunate and its that season we will observer the Wildebeest Migration quite possibly the most terrific natural life shows on earth. This untamed life rich Samburu, Lake Nakuru and Maasai Mara Safari closes back in Nairobi.

7 Days Kenya Safari

7 Days Kenya Safari To Samburu, Lake Nakuru & Masai Mara

Day 1: Nairobi to Samburu Game Reserve

After breakfast we Leave from Nairobi we head north by means of the shoulder of Africa’s second biggest mountain Mount Kenya, advancing toward the Samburu Game Reserve. Showing up at our first hotel we eat and set out on an energizing evening game drive in Samburu. We camp adjacent to the Ewaso Nyiro River under obscure palms and forests. The camp has invigorating virus showers to spruce up in and get away from the warmth of the African fields.

Day 2: Samburu Game Reserve

Day two is saved for game review in Samburu Reserve, investigating its open fields and different scenes looking for the assortment of natural life found here. Samburu has delightful timberlands, springs and waterways, offering staggering landscape. The game park is essential for a magma plain that incorporates changed territories, from thistle clean, red earth and dried waterway beds, to broken volcanic stone, steep slopes and rough outcrops.

This district of Kenya is home to the extraordinary Grevy’s zebra with gigantic fierceness ears, gerenuk eland remaining on rear legs to take care of, Somali ostriches with unmistakable blue legs and the modest Oryx. Elephant and crocodile are ensured sightings and lion, hippo and giraffe are likewise found in the hold. The bird watching is phenomenal, with more than 365 species, including various assortments of weaverbirds and the military hawk. Panther sightings are likewise an exceptional element here.

The Samburu territory is likewise home to intriguing individuals with a rich legacy, making for a vivid social encounter.

Day 3: Samburu to Lake Nakuru

After breakfast we separate camp and hit the street once more, game survey on out of Samburu Park.

We venture out south through Kenya to Lake Nakuru National Park, halting for lunch on the way. Showing up at Lake Nakuru we take an evening game drive in the minimal untamed life region. This Kenyan game park has held its standing as an ornithologist’s enjoyment, with in excess of 400 types of bird found here. Bird species incorporate the Great White Pelican, African Spoonbill, Yellow-charged Stork, Lesser and Greater Flamingo, and Long-peaked Eagle.

The Nakuru National Park encompasses the lake and was first gazetted to secure the rich bird life found here, later turning into a public park to give asylum to imperiled species like the rhino. There are around 25 white and dark rhinos, probably the biggest fixation in the country. Hunters are additionally inhabitants to this park while Rothschild’s giraffe have been trans-situated into the recreation center for wellbeing

This little park (180 sq km) is additionally home to warthogs, waterbuck, wild oxen, reedbucks, and an intermittent panther. The recreation center has held its standing as an ornithologists’ enjoyment with in excess of 400 types of bird found here. Getting back to camp we appreciate supper and stay for the time being at a Lake Nakuru visitor lodge or hotel.

Day 4: Lake Nakuru to Maasai Mara

We leave lodge or camp after breakfast and travel south towards the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve, in southwest Kenya.

We pass through wonderful savannah meadows and fields in the Great Rift Valley advancing toward our next overnight lodge or camp. En route to our camp, we watch out for untamed life. We go through another serene evening setting up camp in the untamed shrubbery, under brilliant African skies dinner and over night at the lodge or camp.

Day 5: Maasai Mara Game Reserve – Kenya safari

The following two days are spent setting out on game survey drives in Maasai Mara. On crisp mornings, the Maasai Mara offers awesome orange-touched night falls worth catching on camera. The Mara hold covers 1510km² of staggering totally open scenes and rich riverine forests, following the wanders of the Mara and Talek waterways. One impression is sufficient to clarify its allure as a notable savannah, with a mass of astonishing untamed life. A discretionary tourist balloon safari can be organized at an additional expense.

Day 6: Maasai Mara Reserve

We go through another entire day investigating the awesome Maasai Mara Park. Any place you go in the Mara Reserve you will see a plenitude of untamed life, like Masai giraffe, monkeys, warthogs, bat-eared foxes, dark jackals, spotted hyena, topis, impala, hartebeests, and wildebeest. Elephants, wild oxen, zebras and hippos. It is entirely expected to see lions either relaxing after a hefty supper, or reviewing the fields for their next dinner. Cheetahs and panthers are more enthusiastically to spot, yet are still sensibly normal.

A definitive natural life activity here is without question the yearly wildebeest departure in July and August when a large number of these grass-eaters move north from the Serengeti looking for lusher grass prior to turning south again in October. The Great Migration is perhaps the most spectacular untamed life displays on earth!

Day 7: Masai Mara to Nairobi

We head off into the shrub on an early morning game drive in Maasai Mara Reserve, prior to getting a charge out of breakfast back at camp. At that point we get back to clamoring Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, showing up in the early evening. This Budget 7-day Samburu Lake Nakuru Mara Safari closes upon appearance in Nairobi.

Convenience on this visit is at one of two safari camps situated in common settings close to the Maasai Mara Game Reserve. We stay in lasting tents with one or the other twin or twofold beds. All tents include en-suite washroom territories, with flush latrines and hot showers, and are fitted with mosquito nets.

7 Days Kenta safari to Samburu, Lake Nakuru & Maasai Mara is the best combination.


Accommodation as per itinerary.
Pick up from the Airport or your hotel.
3 meals a day while on safari.
Services of our Professional Guide/Driver.
All park entrance fees.
All game drives.


Drinks like sodas, water, beer and wines
Gratuity for the driver guide, waiter
Optional activities i.e. visit to masai village
Optional Nairobi dinner
Balloon safari can be arranged at an extra, Optional Nairobi city tour and excursion.

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